Follw Us:
Hairspray Playbill 2024
Drama Camp
Youth Drama Camp Registration Form
Youth Drama Camp Counselor Application
Summer Musical Cast Info
Audition Information
Student Form
Parent/Guardian Form
Hairspray Adult Cast
Become a Sponsor/Advertiser
Contact Info
PCHS "Crazy for You"
PCHS Audition Information
PCHS Participation Form
PCHS Drama
Other Activities
The Laramie Project
Parent/Guardian Form
This is to be submitted by a Parent or Guardian. We are doing this in place of the Parent Meeting.
Indicates required field
Hairspray Parent/Guardian Form
Hairspray Parent/Guardian Form
Your Student(s)'s Name
Parent/Guardian 1
Cell Phone
Parent/Guardian 2
Cell Phone
Email Address
Emergency Contact Person
Emergency Contact Phone Number
(Type your response in the box)
I understand that my student must help with the Set Strike after the production is over.
I give my permission for my student's picture/video/likeness/voice to be used in promotional media.
I give my permission for my student to be given Tylenol or Ibuprofen if needed.
I understand that GCYT is not responsible or liable for accident/injury my student my incur.
Physician's Name
Physician's Phone Number
Insurance Provider
List any illnesses, allergies, behavior problems or other concerns we need to be aware of.
Policy Number
Offer any suggestions or ideas you have for making this the best experience possible.
I understand that each cast member needs to generate $100 in Sponsorships from their families, friends, or businesses by April 5th. Online payment is on the "Cast Info" page of our website.
I have read the Cast Packet below and agree to help my student follow the guidelines.
I understand that attendance at rehearsal is critical for the success of the production. I have looked over my student's availability that they submitted on their form. I also understand that no one is permitted to miss a dress rehearsal or performance June 16-23.
Cast Packet